
Friday, April 27, 2012

My New Hobby

Hi friends!
This is the first post of my new blog and I'm happy to tell you that God has put it on my heart to make this blog my new hobby.  Ever since I became a stay-at-home mom, over three years ago, my hobby and my dream was sewing.  I spent a lot of time sewing and dreaming about making it big with an Etsy and craft fair business.  I also spent a lot of time stressing about how I didn't have enough time to sew, wishing I had more time to sew, telling myself I should be able to figure out a way to sew more often, etc.  I think that it hit me last December, when I set up a booth with a friend at a local craft fair.  For the two months beforehand I drove my family crazy just trying to get ready for it.  My husband's quote was, "I can't wait til this craft fair's over!" and I agreed with him!!  My friend (also a mom of little ones) and I had a great time the day of the fair, but we didn't sell that much and both agreed that it probably wasn't worth the work or the stress we put ourselves and our families through!  So, I started to sense God telling me to put my sewing "business" on the back burner.

Then, it hit me again in January when I took my three-year-old, Jenna, and signed her up for part-time preschool for the following year.  I thought to myself, "Whaaat??? My time home with her is almost over??  One year left??"  (We plan to send her to public school kindergarten.) And I asked myself, "How am I going to spend this last year with her?  Am I going to look back and say, I spent most of my time wishing I had more time to sew and trying to fit taking care of her around trying to sew?"  No.  I want this last year with her to be a purposeful, cherished time.  You can see where I'm going with this...

God is calling me now to put my dream of a sewing business aside (which is actually very freeing!) and focus on things of eternal value and really focus on my family.  Specifically, I've felt God's calling to use this last year with my daughter home to plan lessons and teach about God and His Word.  Many months ago, God put it in my mind to share this in a blog.  My first reaction was, "I don't have time for that!" and then I realized, if I cut back on sewing and made it my new hobby, I would have time.  Not only that, but if God calls you to something, you do it in His power, not your own. 

So, my prayer is that this blog would be God's and not my own.  About Him and not about me.  I almost named the blog "A Humble Journey," but I thought that was a little too somber for a name.  :)  But, that's what I feel this is a...a humble journey of teaching my preschooler biblical truths and sharing it only as God leads for His purposes. 


  1. wow! I hope you don't mind me reading your blog! Your mom just put up a link on FB. I feel like I could have written this post (in the future since my son is only 18 mo). I feel that same way about sewing and have been doing the same thing with trying to make it successful and not exactly having it be a complete failure, but also not feeling sure it is worth the work and time above all else. I am glad you were able to make the decision to put it aside for the better things in life. I pray I can come to that point too. Thanks for the inspiration! I am going to keep reading about homeschooling here and gain wisdom from you before I start in a few years. :)

    1. Hi Sarah! I'm so glad you connected with this! While I still have a dream that someday I'll be able to really work at a sewing business, for now it's on hold. I still love to sew, though, and I'll hopefully have some time to do it for leisure. :) I do think God leads some people to have successful crafting business (like hopefully you!) but it wasn't his thing for me right now :) One thing is for sure, when you honestly seek Him, He is faithful to speak to your heart. I pray he does the same for you! I hope you like following the blog and I hope you find it helpful!

  2. Love it! Can't wait to read more!

  3. Just found your blog and read your "about" section. SO super blessed! I actually cried because I feel of kindred spirit with you. I am a high school science teacher and just resigned to be a SAHM with my 2 1/2 year old and 6mo old. I, recently, started a preschool small group or "co-op" with a few of my friends and their kids. We are doing small Bible lessons, crafts, and songs (similar to what you are doing). SO excited to read through all of your lessons! Thanks SO much!

    Tamara ( I don't have a google account.
