
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lesson 19: Abraham and Sarah, Part 2

1.  Verse - No new verse.  This story is from Genesis 18:1-16, 21:1-7

2. Lesson -
  • Pray with your child about the lesson.
  • Review the last lesson and the things they learned about Abraham and Sarah.  I showed Jenna her craft from last time and reviewed the main points from that.
  • Remember that Abraham was a very old man, but God promised that He would give him a baby, a son, and that He would make all the people in his family as many as the stars in the sky.
  • Finish the story about Abraham and Sarah. I continued reading from "The Beginner's Bible." I know I always mention how good the pictures are in this book, but cute is this baby Isaac??
  • So, God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby boy named Isaac.
  • God gave Isaac to Abraham and Sarah the same way He gave you and Madeline to mommy and daddy.  Abraham and Sarah were so thankful, and so are we!
3. Craft - Coloring page
Today's craft is a simple coloring page.  You can find it here.
I wrote the names under the picture when Jenna was done coloring.  It was a good way to review!

4.  Song - "Father Abraham" (again)

5.  End by reviewing the main points of the story one more time.

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